Scientific method is based on assumptions emerging from observation and experimental testing of these assumptions. Scientific method and scientific thought can only be learned by living it and can be transformed into a lifestyle. MEF Educational Institutions sets out its way from this point of view, considering that taking responsibility for directing and encouraging our young people to scientific studies is the necessity of its pioneering mission in education.


The “Dr İbrahim Arikan MEF Educational Institutions Research Projects Competition” in Physics, Chemistry and Biology fields which has been held since 1992 with the aim of supporting scientific learning, directing these talented students to scientific research and helping them grow up as “Scientists of the Future”, and attracts great interest among high school students and this interest is growing every year.


The 27th of the  “Dr. Ibrahim Arikan MEF Educational Institutions Research Projects Competition ” that directs young minds to think through scientific methods will be held by MEF University and MEF Schools, and is open to all high school students.

The fact that the applications made to the competition have been increasing each year and that the participation has spread abroad, shows us that our young people perceived the importance of the event.  In addition, this contest carries a significant weight in terms of highlighting the importance of basic science whose value gradually increases in our time.


In the past 26 years, 1,783 unique projects have been worth exhibiting among the 9,947 projects submitted by the 20,989 students across Turkey.


The Research Projects Competition attracts attention in many countries across the world as well as in Turkey. The competition continues its project enrichment far more further by the projects of students from various countries of the world this year as in the past years. Among them are Russia, Azerbaijan, Italy, Belgium, Thailand, Sweden, Lithuania, Canada, Africa, China, Poland, Spain, Dubai, Romania, Germany, USA, Austria, Netherlands, and many other countries attended the contest up until this year.